Legal Reflection on China s Countermeasures for Peculiar Safeguard Clause in Post-transition Period of Entry into WTO; PICC Protection Indemnity Clause 入世后过渡期我国应对特别保障条款的法律思考中国人民保险公司保障与赔偿条款
Chapter 3 discusses the textile special safeguard clause from three different aspects. 第三章从三个不同的角度对纺织品特殊保障条款进行了具体分析与研究。
Product-specific safeguard clause is one of the costs that China paid out in order to enter WTO, and other countries'practices have shown that it will be abused. 特保条款是我国为人世而付出的代价之一,各国的法律实践已经表明其有被滥用的倾向。
The Conflicts and Solutions between RTAs and W TO Safeguard Clause 区域贸易协定与WTO保障条款的冲突及其解决
Third, it studies the relationship between the measure and WTO, including the relationships with the basic principles of WTO and the safeguard clause, and then point out that it is a deviation from WTO. 再次,剖析了特别保障措施与WTO的关系,包括与WTO各项原则的关系以及与保障措施的关系,进一步阐述特别保障措施是对WTO原则和保障措施的背离。
The Safeguard in Law to Speed up the Economic and Social Development in Ethnic Area Comments on the Economic Clause of Law of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Group in P. R* China 加快民族地区经济社会发展的法律保障&学习《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》经济条款的体会
Correct Explanation of Product-specific Safeguard Clause 正确解读特保条款
The first part is the general theory of safeguard clause and voluntary restraints. 第一部分,保障条款与自愿设限的基本理论。
Adds the compensation clause of expropriation. The new Constitutional Amendment has developed the constitutional safeguarding system of private property right that is now composed of safeguard clause, qualifying clause and the compensation clause of expropriation. 增加了征收补偿条款,从而形成了由保障条款、限制条款和征收补偿条款构成的较为完善的私有财产权宪法保障体系。
Chapter 1 mainly introduces the safeguard clause, including its history and application premise and conditions. 第一章主要介绍了保障措施,主要包括保障措施的历史和实施要件。
We need to perfect the safeguard clause and limit clause of constitutional private property right, and undertake the history mission leading reform and progress of the clauses of property right in Property Law and other relevant laws. 宪法要完善财产权保障条款和限制条款,并且担负起引领《物权法》等相关法律中财产权条款的改革和进步之历史使命。